
My new superpower

If I were to get any superpower, I would not have chosen super-smell.

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Healing powers, yes.  Strength, yes.  Invisibility, maybe.  Reading people’s thoughts, maybe. But, no, the super power that I have mysteriously gained is…super-smell.

Everywhere I go, I smell things that other people cannot.  Smells are stronger, more pungent and more attacking.  Attacking, yes. The smell alone I could deal with, were it not for the accompanying nausea.  Most of these smells make me feel like throwing up. And a certain few of them actually do make me throw up.  Which is exhausting really.  I’ve become addicted to hand creams and lip balms I can sniff whenever something foul invades my nostrils.  I’ve gone off foods I really like and banned others from my house.  I’ve lost weight since I can barely eat anything. It’s exhausting.

The first trip to the doctors resulted in some tests on my liver.  After one showed up a lot of inflammation, back to the doctors.  This time I had to come off my latest medication to see if it was causing the nausea.  So, I’m once again off the pill and paying the price with the most horrendous pain.  Yet, still nauseous.  So…more tests for me in the future I think.  Unless my superpower mysteriously disappears.  Which would be great.

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